Running a business?
We can help you make this a much easier process.
Are you operating your business using the best entity? (Partnership, sole trader, company?)
Do you have an ABN? Do you need one? Are you registered for GST?
Does the paperwork and reporting for your business take up too much time?
Do you get business reports and records that help you run your business better?
Are you using superannuation to help you reduce your tax and build your wealth?
Are you thinking of starting a business? We can give you a plan and model to guide you.
Are you thinking of buying a business? We can tell you if the numbers stack up!
Sick and tired of Business Activity Statements, GST, tax returns? We can help automate most of these tasks!
Who is an employee or contractor? Is Workers Compensation insurance required? Do I register for Payroll tax?
Are you ready to take advantage of the new standard business reporting (SBR) program that the tax office is initiating? (This will significantly reduce the time you spend collating records and reporting to the tax office)
Does your business report and operate within the small business benchmark guidelines of the tax office? (This will significantly reduce the risk of a tax office audit)